Saturday, November 23, 2019

If you are late to airport a lot, this is your personality

If you are late to airport a lot, this is your personalityIf you are late to airport a lot, this is your personalityAs a nervous flier, I am that person that gets to the airport at least two and a half hours before my flight. I am not sure why I do this as I hate being on the plane much less near one but for some reason I think a combination of buying magazines, Chex Mix and then nervously pacing will somehow remedy my devastating aviophobia (when we all know it is the Xanax and three glasses of wine that really do trick.)But then I have friends, as we all do, that would rather do anything then get to the airport with time to spare. In fact, they prefer it because they get a bit of an adrenaline rush. And it turns out most people fall into one of these two groups according to a new piece from The Atlantic.But whether you are the belastung person on the plane or the person with the best seat at the gate (next to the outlets of course), it really comes down to those famous Personality A and B-types. The classic Type A person is usually competitive, time-urgent or impatient and a little more, you know, intense. While Type Bs tend to be more laid back, patient and overall more relaxed, according to Simple Psychology. However, that Type B person may actually be quite anxious about flying too but the way they deal with it is procrastination.Psychiatrist John Gerkin told The Atlantic, One person is hyper-efficient and overprepared, and another is someone who doesnt manage their anxiety that way.They distract and procrastinate, and next thing you know, they cant do what they need to do to get there on time, Gerkin said. Its not quite self-harm, but its in the same arena. It changes your feeling state and gets you out of that place thats uncomfortable and into this place of excitement.There are people that get high off the lateness, of that possibility of missing the flight and the ramifications that come with that and, of course, the Home Alone airport run (thats a nat ural high if ever there was one.)You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will ersatzdarsteller your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

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